Sunday, April 11, 2010

What a weekend...

Sorry for being gone so long...I ended up visiting my brother for the weekend at JMU (the school he attends) and it ended up being CRAZY. Like SWAT teams, fires, throwing of bottles and furniture, tear-gas, and 8000 people. Luckily I wasn't in the neighborhood that was experiencing all the riots...and thankfully my brother lives in a neighborhood that was far from the haze of tear-gas that was floating all through the town/campus. Needless to say, I didn't have the time or the energy to take outfit pictures. And honestly, I only brought 2 outfits with me for the weekend. Not including random t-shirts from the college I used to attend. I ended up getting sick last night...the night I was supposed to play keyboard with the band that was coming over to my brother's house. And no, I wasn't drunk. I get these horrible migraines where I get really nauseous and usually sleeping helps, but because there was a band playing upstairs and a party in the rest of the house, I couldn't manage to fall asleep. And yes, I am proud to say I was the girl wandering around the party in pajamas trying to find water. I know everyone was like, "Where the heck did this girl come from??" In other crazy school news, apparently today at the school I transferred out of, a deer crashed through a window at this off-campus place where you have to take all of your math quizzes and tests. Is weird stuff happening at all the universities in Virginia this weekend???

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